Contact US
Vip Painting is a complete service. We are fully insured painters, committed to high quality work with complete customer satisfaction.
Our dedicated staff will be there with you at every step of your painting project, from initial inspection and estimation to completion of work.
We are a leading paint company that provides high quality, safe, innovative and competitive services in residential and commercial works.
For the execution of the works we have a highly qualified team whose main objective is to guarantee the completion of them perfectly.
Conserve constant growth and leadership in the market, being benchmarks of quality and excellence throughout the country.
Be in continuous tune with the changes in technology and products, in order to provide an updated service.
Painting Services
- Sidding Replacement
- Wood Restoration
- Pressure Washing
- Carpentry
- Drywall Repair
We are experienced, insured painters who can complete any home painting project you need.
Residential Painting
We are experienced, insured painters who can complete any home painting project you need.
- Residential Painting & Staining (Interior & Exterior)
- Wallcovering
- Gutter Replacement, Repairs & Gutter Guard Installation
- Pressure Washing
- Deck & Dock Pressure Washing, Sealing, Staining, Refinishing & Repairs
- Carpentry – Trim, Structural Carpentry, Foundation Repairs, Bandsill Replacements
- Decks, Porches, Fences or Additions
- Grading & Site Work
We offer quality commercial painting services for office buildings, restaurants, retail centers, medical facilities
Comercial Painting
We offer quality commercial painting services for office buildings, restaurants, retail centers, medical facilities, churches, and much more.
- Commercial Painting (Interior & Exterior)
- Wallcovering
- Tank Painting, Steel Structural, & Manufacturing Facilities
- Deck Coatings, Dryfall & Epoxy
- Heavy Equipment Painting
- Concrete Stains
- Fire Retardant, Parking Lot Striping, Pressure Washing
- Waterproofing